Gun Fitting – Small Handguns

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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Charles

    On the gun fitting section, why is my answer wrong?I picked 5 that.I love it and you said it’s wrong

    1. Jasmina TradeSmart Safety

      Hi Charles, thank you for your comment! As already mentioned, this question is not supposed to mark personal opinions as correct or incorrect. It seems there was an error in how the system processed your answer. Please rest assured that this will not impact your final grade in any way.

      We’re in the process of switching to a new server, which should resolve these issues moving forward. We appreciate your patience and understanding! If you have any further concerns, feel free to let us know.

  2. Jeff

    I feel giving an incorrect answer for a opinion (Question #4) is totally inappropriate as you are asking for my rating. This falls into the my response regarding the rating I gave about the questions.

    1. Jasmina TradeSmart Safety

      Hi Jeff, thank you for bringing this to our attention! The question you mentioned is not supposed to show either a correct or incorrect answer, as it reflects your personal opinion. It seems there was an error in how the system processed that question. Please rest assured that this will not affect your final grade in any way.

      We are in the process of switching to a new server, which should resolve such issues moving forward. We appreciate your understanding and patience as we work to improve the course experience. If you have any further concerns, feel free to reach out!

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